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Job interview in Japan: more frightening than a resume, more requested than a portfolio; What is a Shokumu-keirekisho?
Job interview in Japan: more frightening than a resume, more requested than a portfolio; What is a Shokumu-keirekisho?

Job interview in Japan: more frightening than a resume, more requested than a portfolio; What is a Shokumu-keirekisho?
During the hunting of a job in Japan, one the most requested document to valuate your application will be the so-called Shokumu-Keirekisho. In most countries prior to an interview you just need to present a good resume, just one paper, easy-peasy; In Japan the resume to submit is divided into “Rirekisho” and “Shokumu Keirekisho”. The former is always needed, the latter will be necessary in case you have full-time job experiences.
Note: This is the general rule but recently some companies started to ask the Shokumu-Keirekisho to new graduates too.
Let’s see in detail:
What is a Shokumu-Keirekisho? Why is it different from a Rirekisho?
A Japanese Rirekisho is based above all on your educational background and it contains a list of your professional experience. It is not detailed, it is basically a schematic and brief record of your background until your application.
A Shokumu-Keirekisho provides a more detailed description of your work experiences, all the results you have been able to achieve, and all the skills gained after each individual position held.
A Shokumu-Keirekisho, aside the chance to fully express your capabilities, could let the Japanese company you have applied for, check your Japanese level. The more you will be able to write properly this paper, the more you will leave them a great impression. The Japanese company will not focus too much on grammar, the most important thing for them is to see the amount of dedication and efforts you spent to create such a document in Japanese.
For the Rirekisho You can use the classic same format for all kinds of job; in case of the Shokumu-Keirekisho, you will need to find the format more suitable to the job you have applied for: for example, a position in sales will require a format in which is possible to focus in great detail on your Jisseki (your accomplishments, actual results, numbers of contracts you set up, etc.) until now.
Do you need some help choosing the best format for you?
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