- MAGAZINE(記事一覧)
What is an emergency contact in Japan? An emergency contact, preferably Japanese, is necessary to rent a house.
What is an emergency contact in Japan? An emergency contact, preferably Japanese, is necessary to rent a house.

A house, a bank account, a part-time job contract: all procedures that may require an emergency contact person in Japan. Unfortunately, your level of Japanese language won’t save you the effort to look for someone willing to be your emergency contact. Even if it may sound tiresome, it is something that can really make your life easier!
Although it is very rare that you will be asked for an emergency contact person to open a bank account or when signing a part-time job contract, it’s a necessary condition when applying for a house: in order to verify the authenticity of the information you have provided during the application or for instance, in case you are in late with the rent payment and the landlord can’t contact you by phone, your emergency contact will receive a phone call just to check what is going on.
Having a Japanese emergency contact could be an asset to pass the documents screening without any problem during the application procedure to lease a house.

Q:Who can be my emergency contact in Japan?
A:A co-worker, a friend, a family member, anyone can be your emergency contact. Sometimes it’s even possible to provide a foreign emergency contact as long as this person lives and works in Japan and he/she speaks Japanese proficiently.
Your emergency contact won’t be responsible for you in any case!!!
Now you can breathe a sigh of relief, uh! Just don’t be afraid to ask the people around you. Good luck!

Are you worried about the procedure to find your house in Japan? JapanLIFE can help you through all the steps of the application and moreover can directly find for you the kind of accommodation you are looking for: apartments, flats, share houses, dormitories and more.
Checklist to live in Japan as the perfect “Edokko”