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Job interview in Japan? 3 advices you can’t miss!
Job interview in Japan? 3 advices you can’t miss!

10 sentences you need to memorize for your job interview in Japan
The job research in Japan is one of the hardest things you will need to face once you decide that Japan is the place you want to live for a while or for the rest of your life.
Your Japanese level will play an important role in the whole process, so let’s focus on 10 useful sentences you are more likely to use during an interview!
First all of you need to know that manners in Japan are everything: that’s why the best you can do is starting your self-introduction thanking the interviewer for sharing time with you…
1. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today.
(Honjitsu wa ojikan itadaki, arigatougozaimsu)
Formal Japanese can be hard to understand sometimes…
2. Can you repeat one more time, please?
(Mo ichi do yoroshii deshouka)
It’s important to show the company you would like to work for, that you can have a long-term commitment…
3. I plan to live in Japan for the next several years.
(Tomen wa Nihon ni iru tsumori desu)
If you don’t have experience with something, talk about alternative skills which could be useful…
4. I still have no experience in C but I believe that A and B skills could be useful for the position I have applied for.
Cならまだ未経験ですがA及びBというスキルで, 応募させて頂いたポジションに活かせると信じております。
(C nara mada mikeiken desu ga, a oyobi B to iu sukiru de, oubo sasete itadaita pojishon ni ikaseru to shinjiteorimasu)
Try to give always two reasons to explain your motivation to apply: one related to your objectives and one regarding the appeal points of the company…
5. There are two reasons why I chose to apply. The first is A. The second one is B.
(Oubo saseteitadaita riyuu ga futatsu arimasu. Hitotsume wa A desu. Futatsu me wa B desu)
Showing your motivation to improve your Japanese is always a good idea…
6. I’m ready and willing to Improve my Japanese.
(Nihongo ga jotatsu suru yo doryoku o tsudukete mairimasu)
Quicker learners are the most requested…
7. I’m a quick learner.
(Oshigoto o oboeru no wa hayai katada to omoimasu)
You are a braveheart…
8. My willing to challenge myself from zero has become strong.
(Zero kara charenji shiyou toiu kimochi ga tsuyokunarimashita)
Challenge yourself means even learning new things…
9. I would like to acquire new knowledges.
(Atarashii chishiki o minitsuketai desu)
Try to be always available for any question from the interviewer…
10. Regarding my application, don’t hesitate to ask me any further question.
(Watashi no oubo ni tsukimashite, goshitsumon ga gozaimashitara o kigaruni kudasai)
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